Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Do I Eat?

As a nutritionist, people always fascinated  by what I eat. Especially my clients, they are always wondering what's in my  "lunch bag". I've had brides-to-be refuse to leave my office until I ran through my typical eating with them.
Ok...this is what they think about me:

" You must be very health conscious, always counting food calories before you eat since you are a nutritionist"
" Omg, I cant imagine how you live with all those vegetables and fruits everyday"
" Do you need to eat?"
" Are you originally that skinny or you don't eat at all? Oh please, tell me what you eat for lunch today?"

Hahaha....of coz I do eat!!! I am just like everyone else....I live to eat. I love fast food, chicken wings,  unhealthy snacks like muruku and potato chips, macaroon, cakes, cookies etc...
Normally, I don't run through my daily food journal with clients coz that would be odd for me. But, well, just for fun, I am going to share a day of food in the life of yours truly=) we go!!! I warn will be kinda boring. lol^-^

A Day of My food
8.00am: My alarm goes off. Alarm sound : "I think I- Full House"

8.00am-9.00am: Workout ( 5 mins warm up, 45 mins treadmill, 10 mins stretching/cool down)

9.00am-9.30am: Shower. Make up.

9.30am-10.15am: BREAKFAST!!! 1 cup of warm dutch lady milk (sometimes I will drink a glass of fresh carrot apple juice...I blend it myself lo^-^)
*Note to folks: eat breakfast within an hour of waking up! Key to get your metabolism going!

11am: Reach my office and start checking up my client's cards, start weeding through my email, meeting with clients.

12pm: Snack: 2 slices of bread ( From Lavender/ whole wheat bread) with peanut strawberry jam. Yum Yum ^-^

2pm: Lunch Time!! I have mixed vegetarian rice (LG level of Mid Valley). I know I know..vegetarian food is very oily but here is what I do... I take the rice...n then 3 types of vegetables (bean sprout, lady finger, Napa cabbage), Japanese tofu, and potatoes. The purpose of taking the rice is to absorb the oil of all the veggies. So, I am not going to eat the rice. Is kind of wasted but...hmmm....what to do....*-*

2.30-5pm: Clients, emails, calls, shopping ( Punch card for one hour to walk around shopping mall instead of sitting down in the office for the whole day), etc....

5pm: Fruity fruity time. I have one papaya and one honey dew ( it is only RM1.20/each)

8.30pm Dinner: I know is very late to have my dinner. I try to opt for easily digest and low calories food. Normally, I will have my dinner at my bf's house. His mom is a good cooker^-^. So, I have a big bowl of ABC soup ( good for detox!!), lots of vegetables ( my bf and his family members don't really like veggie, so, I got to finish up all of, steamed fish and 1/4 bowl of rice.

OK....This is pretty much what I have for a day. It is almost the same as yours??

Keep this in mind, moderation is the key to health=)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Your Malaysian Favorites...Weighed In!!

Are you really making a healthier choice when you choose local favorites such as nasi lemak, char kuey teow and mutton curry over fast food? For nutritional insight, we did the math and weigh in on 8 Malaysian favorites and compare them to fast food. Here's what we found.

1) Mashed potatoes with gravy =1 serving: 87kcal, 0.7g fat
2) Fried Chicken drumstick =212kcal, 13g fat
3) Cola= 152kcal,0g fat
4) Small packet of fries= 239kcal,12g fat
5) Ice cream cone= 140kcal, 4g fat
6) Fish burger (Bun, fried fish fillet, cheese, and tartar sauce)= 350kcal, 15g fat
7) 10 candy-coated chocolate pieces= 35kcal, 1.5g fat

Let's compare all this fast foods to 8 Malaysian favorites:
(A) Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak 1 plate(334g)
(Coconut rice with ikan bilis, peanuts, sambal and fried egg)
798calories, 62.3g of CHO, 37.4g protein,
44.4g of fat, 2091mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 regular cup of mashed potato+2 fried chicken drumsticks+1 ice cream cone+1 glass of cola

The nutritionist says:
* Nasi Lemak is high in carbohydrates (CHO) and contains a large amount of coconut milk, which is highly saturated in coconut fat. Your body stores excess CHO as fat, so not only you putting yourself at higher risk for atherogenicity and arterial thrombosis , you're also susceptible to developing lifestyle-induced health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and diabetes. 

(B) Char Kuey Teow

Char kuey teow 1 plate (385g)
(flat rice noodles stir fried with cockles, prawns, bean sprouts, chinese chives and egg)
832calories, 76.6g of CHO, 29g of protein,
 45.5g of fat, 1557mg of sodium
Equals to= 10 candy-coated chocolate pieces+2 regular cups of mashed potato+1 fish burger+2 ice-cream cones

The nutritionist says:
*The cooking method for char kuey teow involves stir-frying flat rice noodles over very high heat with light and dark soy sauce, egg, whole prawns, cockles, bean sprouts and Chinese chives. This popular dish at hawker centres has earned an unhealthy reputation as it is high in saturated fat, which can cause health problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity. 

(C) Oyster Omelette
Oyster Omelette 1 portion: 253g
(Fresh oysters pan fried in a batter of potato, sweet potato starch and eggs)
645calories, 32.4g of CHO, 18g of proteins
49.3g of fat, 746mg of sodium
Equals to: 2 small packs of fries+1 ice cream cone+ 10 candy-coated chocolate pieces

The nutritionist says: 
*The popular oyster omelette is higher in fat than a standard omelette. Don't forget the number of egg yolks and the amount of oil that goes into preparing the dish!! Most types of shellfish including oysters also contain cholesterol. But here's the good news: oysters are also a source of protein and zinc, so including in this shellfish once or twice a month and in proper portions will not be enough to cause a significant increase in your body's store of cholesterol. However, one oyster omelette contains many oysters, which means that eating them all in one go will trigger an increase i your body's level of blood cholesterol, which can cause a blockage in the veins and arteries that control blood flow to and from your heart, increasing your risk for coronary artery disease. 

(D) Mutton Curry

Mutton curry 1 bowl, 12 pieces (480g)
(Mutton cooked in coconut gravy)
834calories, 3g of CHO, 60.6g of fat,
70.2 g of protein, 642mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 fish burger+ 1 fried chicken drumstick+1 small pack of fries+10 candy coated chocolate pieces

The nutritionist says:
Coconut gravy and mutton are loaded with calories, as well as saturated fat within the gravy itself. Consuming red meat such as mutton also puts you at risk for developing colon and rectal cancers, and cardiovascular diseases as red meat naturally contains more fat (including saturated fat) and cholesterol than other type of food. Excess lipids in the body can also cause numerous cardiovascular ailments including coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. 

(E) Curry Laksa

Curry Laksa 1 bowl(540g)
(Yellow noodles with cockles, chicken slices and fishcake in thick coconut gravy)
587calories, 58.3g of CHO, 31.9g of fat, 16.7g of protein, 1588mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 regular cup of mashed potato+1 fried chicken drumsticks+1 small pack of fries+10candy-coated chocolate pieces

The nutritionist says:
Curry laksa is high in calories, most of which comes from the thick coconut gravy that the noodles are served in. One cup of coconut milk contains around 50g of saturated fat and 3g of unsaturated fat, which is considered acceptable for an occasional treat provided you do not already have high cholesterol. Cholesterol (LDL and triglycerides) tends to clump together in your blood stream, restricting blood flow and increasing your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and other circulatory-related ailments. 

(F) Chicken Murtabak

Chicken murtabak 1 portion (455g)
( Indian pancake stuffed with chicken, fried in ghee, and served with curry gravy and pickled onions)
697calories, 76g of CHO, 29.1g of fat, 32.8g of protein, 2248mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 fish burger +1 fried chicken drumstick+1 regular cup of mashed potato +10 candy coated chocolate pieces

The nutritionist says: 
Chicken murtabak contains high amounts of saturated fat and carbohydrates. Weight gain, fatigue and health conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity can be attributed to an excess of saturated fat and carbohydrates in our body. 

(G) Mee Goreng

Mee goreng 1 plate (400g)
(plain fried yellow noodles)
660calories, 95.53g of CHO, 21.18g of fat, 22.12g of protein, 2616.47mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 glass of cola+1 regular cup of mash potatoes+2 fried chicken drumsticks 

The nutritionist says: 
Mee goreng is basically yellow noodles stir-fried over very high heat with light and dark soy sauce. Although noodles are a source of carbohydrates and provide your body with energy, your body converts excess carbohydrates into sugar which is eventually deposited as fat. Nevertheless, noodle lovers need not worry-noodles are not harmful when consumed in moderation. 

(H) Chicken Rendang

Chicken rendang 1 bowl (320g)
(chicken in coconut and chili gravy with potatoes)
992calories, 20g of CHO, 74g of fat, 62g of proteins, 2261mg of sodium
Equals to: 1 small pack of fries+10candies coated with chocolate+ 2 fish burgers

The nutritionist says:
Chicken rendang contains coconut gravy, which is high in saturated fat. If potatoes are added to the dish, they're also a source of carbohydrates, which can raise the dish's glycemic index (GI: a measure of the effects of carbohydrates in food on blood sugar levels) dramatically. Awareness of a food 's GI can help you to control your blood sugar level, especially if you suffer from type 2 diabetes. 

Eunice says: Moderation is always the key to health!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


两个月前我买了一本由日本自然医学博士, 石原结实写的书。这本书便是“断食法”。



1)断食能排出体内垃圾,让血液变得清洁. 这样原本暗淡无光的皮肤才能比原来的更漂亮,更年轻.
2) 它能提高体温,让免疫力更强. 让白血球活动起来,这样疾病才会消失,皮肤和内脏都会反老还童.
3) 具有消除体胖的功效,尤其是腰部以及下肌的赘肉会变少.
4) 美白肌肤的功效, 黑色素沉淀,皱纹,皮肤松弛现象会消失,牙齿也变得亮白.
5) 具有恢复视力的功效, 近视,远视,青光眼等症状会得到改善.
6)恢复内脏器官机能的功效. 人体的消化系统,循环系统,呼吸系统全部都会变得健康.


短期断食疗法第一步:" 早晨断食" 的专用食谱.

[早餐] (择其一)

1. 喝2.5杯胡萝卜,苹果的鲜榨果汁(约400cc)
做法:将两根胡萝卜(约400克)和一个苹果(约250克) 放入榨汁机,即可榨出新鲜蔬果汁.

2. 喝1-2杯加入黑砂糖/蜂蜜的生姜红茶.

3. 分别喝1-2杯新鲜蔬果汁和生姜红茶. 

[午餐] (择其一)

1. 吃山药荞麦面/ 裙带菜荞麦面.可要在荞麦面上撒上充足的葱和七香粉咯.

2. 食用匹萨.记得要在饼上撒上充足的红辣椒调味酱哦.

3. 根据自己的喜好选择食物,八分饱就好.



*如果你在白天感到肚子饿/口渴了,就喝生姜红茶吧* (随便喝几杯都可以)

短期断食疗法第二步:" 半天断食" 的专用食谱.


做法:将两根胡萝卜(约400克)和一个苹果(约250克) 放入榨汁机,即可榨出新鲜蔬果汁.







短期断食疗法第三步:" 一整天断食" 的专用食谱.


做法:将两根胡萝卜(约400克)和一个苹果(约250克) 放入榨汁机,即可榨出新鲜蔬果汁.









千万别小看了萝卜和苹果的威力咯。。。他们的功效是你无法想象的。相信多数的人对于断食法的了解都是“ 不吃东西咯”。。。那你大错特错了!!

断食法是最简单,最有效,最便宜, 也是最健康的美容瘦身法!!!关于断食法,说个三天三夜也说不完啊。。。如果你有任何问题,请留言吧=)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

龟苓膏, Chinese Herbal Jelly

Well, I bet most of us know what is " Gui ling gao, 龟苓膏"  and most of my friends are the supporter for this bitter-sweet jelly like dessert. However, how many of us know exactly what it is?? Honestly, I do not know much about it as well....
Let's do some research then...... 

Gui ling gao (龟苓膏), also known as Chinese Herbal Jelly or Tortoise Jelly is a type of jelly like dessert, traditionally made from the turtle’s pastron from the critically endangered turtle Cuora trifasciata/ three-lined box turtle/  (金钱龟) and a variety of herbal products such as smilax (to fook ling, 土茯苓), dried rehmannia (gon di wong, 干地黄), honey, ginseng, wolfberries, licorice root (kam cho. 甘草) and divaricate saposhniovia (fong fung, 防风)
Cuora trifasciata/ three-lined box turtle/  (金钱龟)
 divaricate saposhniovia ( 防风)
 licorice root (kam cho. 甘草)

dried rehmannia (gon di wong, 干地黄) 

smilax (to fook ling, 土茯苓)

The tortoise jelly has always been revered for its universal tonic effect as a traditional Chinese Medicine. According to Chinese medical classics, the jelly is not only good for detoxification, but it is also effective for problems like damp-heat, yin deficiency, dry skin, pimples, insomnia, lack of appetite (what a horrid sickness!), and etc.

Usually, commercially available Chinese Herbal Jelly sold as dessert does not really contain turtle shell powder, despite the product name and the prominent turtle images on most brands' labels.  The reason is that the Golden coin turtle (Cuora trifasciata), commercially farmed in modern China is extremely expensive.  They do, however, share the same herbal additives as the medicine and are similarly marketed as being good for skin complexion!! 
As a food however, if you like grass jelly, the texture of this herbal jelly is akin to grass jelly; you eat this at your own peril because the taste of it, whether you judge from your front, mid or back palate, is bitter -- mildly but bitter nonetheless.  The best way to remedy this snag, like most of we Chinese do, is to find honey served alongside in order to adjust the level of bitterness to your own liking. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012


对瘦身最敏感的, 莫过于走在潮流尖端,必须时时刻刻保持最佳状态的好莱坞/明星们. 你也想像她们一样漂亮吗?? 想像她们一样性感吗??让我们来一窥明星们的瘦身大计吧!!!

(A) Blake Lively
花边教主Blake Lively为了演出电影<The Green Lantern>, 每周4天进行一次90分钟的健身运动,饮食方面则午餐吃鸡肉沙拉及燕麦搭配蓝莓,晚餐以蔬菜和鱼肉为主.

(B) 陈慧琳


(C) 胡杏儿


(D) Miranda Kerr

超模Miranda Kerr也是产后快速瘦身的佳例,她是血型瘦身法的忠实跟随者,配合自己的A血型而吃低糖, 每日4匙分量的椰子油加入饮食/茶中食用以达到瘦身燃脂之效.

(E) 林依晨


(F) 赵薇

小燕子时期的赵薇有着可爱婴儿肥,如今的她充满女人味,曲线鲜明.她个人喜爱的瘦身方法是推脂,由内向外按摩,使全身肌肉得以运动,再配合均匀饮食朔身. 此外,她也坚持游泳,做仰卧起坐和练瑜伽.

(G) Angelina Jolie

曲线玲珑的Angelina Jolie 奉行的是低脂饮食方式,她每天早上喝两杯牛奶,去步行15分钟后再吃些乳酪面包和蒸蛋; 不吃午餐但有时会喝一杯鲜果汁,晚餐则吃些墨西哥塔可 (Taco) 饭和鸡肉. 当然,她也热爱健身!!

(H) Jennifer Lopez
身材丰满的Jennifer Lopez在饮食中并不特别避忌糖分/奶类食品,但会控制摄取量;她不喝酒,不抽烟,需要瘦身时则减少碳水化合物的摄取.热爱健身的她也会借由适当的有氧运动及举重朔身.

Monday, May 21, 2012


其实,利用一些常见的食材,再花点心思调理, 即能完成一道瘦身食材,让瘦身变得更简单更方便!!!

Are you eating the right food for weight loss?? Or there are just too many slimming products/ foods nowadays and you do not know which one to opt for??
Well, actually it is just as easy as ABC=) Let's check out the recipes below^-^

红豆 Red Bean

红豆含有丰富的维他命B1,B2, 蛋白质及多种矿物质,具有补血, 利尿,消肿,促进心脏活化等功效. 另外,红豆可帮助肠胃蠕动,减少便秘并促进排尿,常吃有瘦身之效, 让大腿和腰部曲线更显得苗条.以下两道红豆瘦身食谱,让你在红豆的美味中健康享瘦!!

Red beans are fibrous. They are packed with vitamins B1, B2, protein and a rich source for the mineral ion which is important for oxygen delivery to cells, acts as antioxidants, prevent water retention and maintains a healthy colon. Consuming red beans is good for weight loss as the protein content is filling, slow-digesting, and keeps hunger pangs at bay for quite a long time. 

(A)红豆瘦身汤 Red Bean Soup
Consuming a bowl of red bean soup per day with 1 serving of fruit, including proper exercise for two weeks (dinner) will lead to weight loss!!  

Ingredients: 200g of red beans, 5g of dried tangerine peel, salt. 

1. 将红豆事先浸泡半小时, 随后加入煮滚的500毫升 清水中, 煮约30分钟左右至红豆熟后熄火.
2. 用热水把陈皮浸软,就把陈皮放煮熟后的红豆汤中,上盖焖十分钟.
3. 红豆焖完后,可加一点盐.

1. Soak red beans in water for half an hour. 
2. Soak the dried tangerine peel in warm water to soften
3. Bring 500ml water to a boil and add in red beans. Let it cook for 30minutes. 
4. Add in softened tangerine peel into the red bean soup, cover and simmered it for 10 minutes. 
5. Salt to taste.   

(B) 红豆绿豆瘦身汤 Red bean & Green bean soup
红豆和緑豆都是高纤维低脂肪的排毒圣品,搭配具开胃,调理功效的山楂. 红枣,可让各类食材的功效得更大发挥.可每天早晚各吃一份.
Both red bean and green bean are high in fiber and low in fat. Eat it with hawthorn (Crateagus) and jujubes to maximize its health benefits. Consume it every morning and night. 

材料: 红豆100克,緑豆100克,山楂30克,红枣 10枚.
Ingredients: 100g of red beans, 100g of green beans, 30g of hawthorn, 10 pieces of jujubes.

做法: 将所有材料放入锅中,加1000毫升冷水,煎到豆烂即可.
Methods: Add in all the ingredients into 1000ml of cold water and cook it to soften. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Organic Greentea Barley 有机緑茶薏米

Organic Green Tea Barley  有机緑茶薏米 
- Whitening & Slimming Purposes 美白去斑,瘦身排水

Ingredients 用料:
a) An organic green tea bag, 1包有机緑茶包
b) 30g of barley, 30克薏米
c) 1 tsp of honey, 1小茶匙蜜糖
d) 500ml of water , 500 毫升清水

Steps 做法:
1) Wash the barley 先将薏米洗净
2) Add in 500 ml water 倒入500毫升清水
3) Simmer it in low heat for an hour 用慢火煮上一个小时
3) Add in honey and green tea bag  把蜜糖以及緑茶包加入杯中, 倒入薏米水
4) Ready to serve 细细品尝吧=)

Functions 功效: 
It helps to prevent inflammation, lighten dark skin blemishes, refines blackheads, whitening purposes, reduce premature skin aging and protect skin against free radical exposure caused by UV light and reveal brighter and softer skin complexion. 
美白减肥,瘦身排毒,使皮肤光滑,减少皱纹, 消除色素斑点, 防老化与紫外线, 预防皮肤干裂的问题.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


每个月的“哪几天” 都是我们女人的受难日啊!!!情绪低落反复,小腹疼痛。。。
多数的女性朋友认为经痛是正常的,忍一忍,两天就过去了。 孰不知经痛也使很多妇产疾病的表现之一,就会酿成大患。。所以,女性朋友不要掉以轻心噢!!


1。经前及其前经后小腹疼痛 (5分)        10。影响工作学习(1分) 
2。腹痛难忍(1分)                                     11。用一般止痛方法不舒缓 (1分)
3。腹痛明显(0.5分)                                  12。用一般止痛方法疼痛暂缓(0.5分)
4。坐卧不宁 (1分)                                    13. 伴腰部酸痛(0.5分)
5。休克(2分)                                             14。伴恶心呕吐(0.5分)
6。 面色苍白(0.5分)                                 15。伴肛门坠胀(0.5分)
7。冷汗淋漓(1分)                                     16。疼痛一天以内(0.5分)
8。四肢冰冷(1分)                                     17。疼痛期每增一天 (0.5分)

轻微: 积分为5-7分




2。辛辣类:如肉桂,花椒, 丁香, 胡椒等。这类食品都是佐料,在平时,菜时,菜中放一些辣椒等可使菜的味道变得更好。可是,在月经期的妇女是不宜食用这些辛辣刺激性食品,否则容易导致经痛,经血过多等症。

3。油炸食品: 这是女性的一大禁忌。因为受体内分泌的黄体酮影响,经期女性皮脂分泌增多,皮肤油腻,同时毛细管扩张,皮肤变得敏感。此时进食油炸食品,会增加肌肤负担,容易出现粉刺,毛囊炎, 还有黑眼圈。另外,由于经期脂肪和水的代谢减慢,此时吃油炸食品,脂肪很容易在体内囤积。




3。经痛病人适量饮点酒能通经活络,扩张血管,使平滑肌松弛,对经痛的预防和治疗有作用。如经血量不多可适量地饮些葡萄酒,能缓解疼痛感。 适当适时喝点儿葡萄酒,能够起到舒畅情志,还能活血通经。


5。身体虚弱,气血不足者,宜常吃补气, 补血,不肝肾的食物,如鸡,鸭,鱼,鸡蛋,牛奶,动物肝肾,鱼类,豆类等。


1. 注意保暖,保持温暖能畅通血液循环,松弛肌肉,放松心情,和暖运动能舒缓经痛的不适.

2. 均衡摄取各类食物,补充矿物质,有助于改善经痛状况,避免生冷/刺激性食物,以免加重症状.

3. 咖啡因会加重不适,生理期间远离咖啡,茶,可乐等含咖啡因的食物,平日也别过量.


5. 经痛时,可以在腹部放置温敷垫,温水袋/温水瓶.一次维持数分钟,可以减轻疼痛.

6. 经痛时,用拇指按压中极穴10~20分钟.位置为肚脐下方6指横宽之外,能舒解疼痛感.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

7 种减少食量的简单傻瓜方法=)


1. 对自己微笑
想保持健康体重,那么就做让自己微笑的事情吧. 巴西的科学家认为 "快乐的贺尔蒙"可以降低食欲,含量高时还能燃烧你的脂肪呢^-^就像我咯^-^

2. 给坚果去壳
东伊利诺伊大学的一项研究表明,在同等条件下,直接吃去壳开心果(即果肉)的人摄入的热量是211卡路里,而吃带壳开心果 (自己去壳)的人摄入的热量只相当于125卡路里。
3. 把餐叉放在手里


5. 把野牛肉加入到蛋白餐里



Tuesday, April 24, 2012



百米100克, 芋头300克, 猪瘦肉200克, 盐2克, 色拉油10克, 冷水适量.

1. 将百米洗干净,放入冷水中浸泡半小时,捞出,沥干水分;芋头去皮,切成厚片.
2.  猪瘦肉 洗净 切片,放入温油锅中片煸炒片刻,盛起备用.
3. 锅中加入约2000毫升冷水,加入百米,用旺火煮沸,然后加入芋头片,  猪瘦肉 片,用中 小火 慢煮至米烂肉熟,加盐调味即可=)


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Your guide to breastfeeding & Lactation meal plan

I wrote about weight loss &diet plan before. So, just be fair to those mothers who are in hurry to lose pregnancy pounds, I created a lactation meal plan for them too=)

First of all, let me introduce some important foods for the own well-being of nursing moms. For nursing moms, it is necessary to ensure that you are obtaining  the nutrients your baby needs by incorporating a variety of health breastfeeding foods in your nursing mom food plan.
If you are consuming the following foods as a regular part of your diet, your body and your baby will...thank you^-^

1. Salmon
- Talking about perfect food..hmmm..for me, there is no such thing as a perfect food but salmon is pretty close!! Well, why salmon?? Salmon, like other fatty fish, is a rich source of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-an omega-3 faty acids. DHA is crucial for the development of your baby's nervous system and visual abilities. All breast milk contains DHA naturally but levels of this essential nutrient are higher in the milk of women who consume more DHA from their diets.

* FDA guideline: breastfeeding women should limit consumption of fish lower in mercury. Compared to other types of fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish, salmon is considered to have a low mercury content. Vegetarian sources of DHA come from seaweed.

2. Low-fat dairy products
- Whether you like it or not, you can't never deny that low fat dairy products such as yogurt, milk, or cheese are an important part of healthy breastfeeding. In addition of providing protein, vitamin B and vitamin D, dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. Calcium will help your baby's bones develop. So, include at least 3 cups of dairy each day as part of your diet.

3. Lean Beef
- Iron rich food, extra protein and vitamin B 12- Lean beef definitely a good choice!! Iron deficiency can drain your energy level, making it hard for you to keep up with the demands of a newborn baby.

4. Legumes
- Beans, especially dark-colored ones like black beans and kidney beans, are a great breastfeeding food, especially for vegetarians. They are not only rich in iron, but they are budget friendly source of high quality, non animal protein source.

5. Blueberries
- Blueberry is the leader in antioxidants. They may be small but they pack a healthy punch!! Sweet, tangy and intensely blue, blueberries are rich in phytonutrients-antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory.  This satisfying and yummy berries will give you a healthy dose of carbohydrates to keep your energy levels high.

6. Brown rice
-  If you're attempting to lose the baby weight, you might be tempted to drastically cut back on your carbohydrates intake. However, losing weight too promptly may cause you produce less milk for the baby. Incorporating whole grain carbs like brown rice in your diet will provide your body the calories it needs to produce best quality milk for your baby.
*Brown rice:  process that produces brown rice removes only the outermost layer, the hull, of the rice kernel and is the least damaging to its nutritional value. The complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of manganese and phosphorus, 60% of iron, and all of the dietary fiber ans essential fatty acids.

7. Oranges
- Nursing moms need extra vitamin C than pregnant women, oranges and other citrus fruits are an excellent breastfeeding food, too. Sip on some orange juice (opt for calcium-fortified varieties to get even more benefit from your beverage) as you go about your day.
8. Eggs
- Egg yolk is one of the few natural sources of vitamin D- an essential nutrient crucial for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which have various functions, especially the maintenance of healthy bones. Try scrambling up a couple of them during breakfast, tossing a hard boiled egg or two on your lunchtime salad, or having omelet and salad for dinner.
* other sources of Vitamin D: fish, fortified milk and cod liver oil. 

9. Whole-wheat bread
- Folic acid is crucial to your baby's development in the early stages of pregnancy but its importance doesn't end there. Folic acid is an important nutrient in your breat milk that your baby needs for good health and it is crucial that you eat enough for your own well-being. Enriched whole-grain breads and pastas are fortified with this vital nutrient. They also give you a healthy dose of fiber and iron.
10. Leafy greens
- The following are a few examples of green leafy vegetables that can be easily incorporated into the most particular of our diets.
a) Bok Choy: a Chinese white cabbage rich in vitamins A and C and in calnium and dietary fiber
b) Spinach: sweet in flavor and high in vitamins A and K, iron and folate.
c) Broccoli: grows with florets and crunchy stalks and is rich in fiber and a number of vitamins
e) Collard greens: mild in flavor with a high content of vitamins A,C and K.
f) Lettuce: contains folate and vitamins A, C and K.
11. Whole-grain cereal
- After yet another sleepless night, one of the best foods to boost energy for new moms in the morning is a healthy whole-grain cereal. There are many cold cereals available that are fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients to help meeting your daily needs. Or, whip up a healthy hot breakfast by stirring blueberries and low fat milk into a delicious serving of oatmeal.
12. Water
- New moms who are  breastfeeding should stay well hydrated in order to keep your energy and milk production in a desirable levels. You can vary your options and meet some of your fluid requirements by drinking juice and milk but you have to avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea. That's because caffeine enters your breast milk can cause your baby to become irritable and sleep poorly. Recommended water intake for breastfeeding moms is 3L/day.

So, basically these are the 12 healthy foods for new moms who are breastfeeding. I bet that you have an idea in your mind now on what kind of foods you should incorporate into your daily diet after reading the benefits of various foods I suggested. So, are you ready now to create a lactation meal plan for yourself??? Yes???or NO??? Lol..well, I have an example of lactation meal plan here if you want to take it as your reference=)

Lactation Meal Plan
* A cup of warm water after wake up- for detoxification purpose

Choose one of them:

A) 2 slices of whole wheat bread (with fruit jam, peanut butter, cheese etc)
     1 glass of low fat milk

B) A bowl of Whole grain cereal with low fat milk, topped with banana, blueberries, strawberries, raisins   and almonds.
     1 medium orange/ 1 glass of orange juice with pulp

C) Ham and cheese sandwiches-1 serving
     1 glass of low fat milk

D) Half cup (125ml) of low fat milk
     1/2 grapefruit
     2 half-boiled eggs


Choose one of them:

A) 1 bowl (250ml) Steamed brown rice
     1 serving of salmon

Thai Salmon with cucumber and dipping sauce

1. Marinate the salmon in a bowl with the chili, garlic, coriander, fish sauce, sesame oil and honey. Season with pepper and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes or overnight.

2. Grill or barbecue the salmon until it is crisp at the edges. If you like it cooked all the way through rather than rare in the middle then keep cooking until the fish feels very firm to the touch.

3. Serve it with the cucumber and onion sprinkled over and the sweet chili dipping sauce.

B) 1 slice of multi-grain bread, toasted.
     1 cup of fat free yogurt
     1 fresh fruit

C) Salad (mix veggie and fruits) + lean meat/ Ham/ Tuna/ Beans or Peas/ Hard Boiled egg ( a little bit of   salad dressing)

*Drink a cup of warm water before meal
Choose one of them

A) Half cup (125ml) of low fat milk
     Maple-Dill Chicken Breast- 1 handful
     1 cup (250ml) of steamed green beans/black beans
     1 cup of (250ml) steamed brown rice

Maple-Dill Chicken Breast

- 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
- 2 tsp of butter
- 1/4 tsp each of salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 cup dry white wine/apple juice
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/3 cup chopped fresh dill or 1 tsp (5ml) dried dill weed

1. Trim any fat from chicken. Melt butter in a large frying pan set over medium-high heat. When bubbly, add chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook until golden brown, from 2 to 3 minutes per side.

2. Pour wine and maple syrup into pan around chicken. Using a wooden spoon, scrape up any brown bits from bottom of pan. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Continue to cook chicken, turning halfway through until it feels springy when pressed, from 8 to 10 more minutes. Remove chicken to a serving platter and cover with a tent of foil to keep warm.

3. Stir dill into sauce in pan. Increase heat to medium-high and boil sauce, stirring constantly until it thickens slightly, from 2 to 3 minutes. Pour sauce over chicken and serve immediately. * Delicious with green beans and mashed potatoes.

B) Half cup (125ml) of low fat milk
    Half cup (125ml) of cold cereal
    Half bran muffin
    1 small orange

Finally....It is such a long post!! Taking me three days to finish it=)....Anyway, I hope that this will really help those new moms in picking the right and healthy foods for themselves as well as their babies. And for my colleague, Linda Choo who just gave birth to a baby boy. Congratulationssssss!!! This is the present I give to you and your baby=)))