Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Do I Eat?

As a nutritionist, people always fascinated  by what I eat. Especially my clients, they are always wondering what's in my  "lunch bag". I've had brides-to-be refuse to leave my office until I ran through my typical eating with them.
Ok...this is what they think about me:

" You must be very health conscious, always counting food calories before you eat since you are a nutritionist"
" Omg, I cant imagine how you live with all those vegetables and fruits everyday"
" Do you need to eat?"
" Are you originally that skinny or you don't eat at all? Oh please, tell me what you eat for lunch today?"

Hahaha....of coz I do eat!!! I am just like everyone else....I live to eat. I love fast food, chicken wings,  unhealthy snacks like muruku and potato chips, macaroon, cakes, cookies etc...
Normally, I don't run through my daily food journal with clients coz that would be odd for me. But, well, just for fun, I am going to share a day of food in the life of yours truly=) we go!!! I warn will be kinda boring. lol^-^

A Day of My food
8.00am: My alarm goes off. Alarm sound : "I think I- Full House"

8.00am-9.00am: Workout ( 5 mins warm up, 45 mins treadmill, 10 mins stretching/cool down)

9.00am-9.30am: Shower. Make up.

9.30am-10.15am: BREAKFAST!!! 1 cup of warm dutch lady milk (sometimes I will drink a glass of fresh carrot apple juice...I blend it myself lo^-^)
*Note to folks: eat breakfast within an hour of waking up! Key to get your metabolism going!

11am: Reach my office and start checking up my client's cards, start weeding through my email, meeting with clients.

12pm: Snack: 2 slices of bread ( From Lavender/ whole wheat bread) with peanut strawberry jam. Yum Yum ^-^

2pm: Lunch Time!! I have mixed vegetarian rice (LG level of Mid Valley). I know I know..vegetarian food is very oily but here is what I do... I take the rice...n then 3 types of vegetables (bean sprout, lady finger, Napa cabbage), Japanese tofu, and potatoes. The purpose of taking the rice is to absorb the oil of all the veggies. So, I am not going to eat the rice. Is kind of wasted but...hmmm....what to do....*-*

2.30-5pm: Clients, emails, calls, shopping ( Punch card for one hour to walk around shopping mall instead of sitting down in the office for the whole day), etc....

5pm: Fruity fruity time. I have one papaya and one honey dew ( it is only RM1.20/each)

8.30pm Dinner: I know is very late to have my dinner. I try to opt for easily digest and low calories food. Normally, I will have my dinner at my bf's house. His mom is a good cooker^-^. So, I have a big bowl of ABC soup ( good for detox!!), lots of vegetables ( my bf and his family members don't really like veggie, so, I got to finish up all of, steamed fish and 1/4 bowl of rice.

OK....This is pretty much what I have for a day. It is almost the same as yours??

Keep this in mind, moderation is the key to health=)